Sunday, February 15, 2009

This week.........

Has been very enlightening.

For the past 3 weeks I've been pretty good, I've been eating normally, I got my brownie pan back....

Oh the brownie pan story, So I was making a birthday cake for one of my favorite people in the world like 3 weeks ago and when I bake a cake, its not just "oh hey here's food" I put a lot of thought and effort into it. To make a long story short, I was feeling rather creative so the cake turned into 2 cakes and my brownie pan was required to see it's creation through. After giving birth to this food baby and throwing a party for some 40 odd people(M was very surprised and delighted though :)), I was understandably tired so I went to go take a nap for like an hour, leaving all of my cooking supplies in the kitchen and asking V and W to watch over them as they were studying there.

and what does the bitch do?!!! She(V) lends it out to this rando, but she assures me when I find out that it's in his room and "perfectly safe"' and that he said he would give it back "tomorrow"

That was three weeks ago, but I found it today while walking through a friend's dorm and what a frickin lying bitch!!! If you're going to fuck up like that just: man up, apologize, and promise not to do it again. The pan has a ton of small scratches in it, a small dent in one side and was sitting on top of a garbage can. She totally owes me 20 bucks! Like who the hell is she to lend out other people's stuff?! This ain't communism people. I've been worried sick about my pan and unable to fufill my brownie baking duties (I'm the chef for a lot of events on campus).


stupid cali bitch

see if I ever bake for you again

I actually do like california though, most of you guys are nice (except for your apparent brownie pan stealing tendancies lol)

sorry this is a rant

there will be happier posts in the future I'm just feeling a little frustrated right now

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


and welcome to my blog...
This is my first post so I want to clarify my intentions (however they might change) and your role in them.
So your role is *drum roll please*...nothing.
This blog is about me trying to find some sense of self and sustainability in the sea of endless change that is my world. It's about writing down the order in my thoughts, looking at them and trying to distill that day's person out of it's current batch of primordial sludge. Hopefully through this that person will become better and better.
This blog is open to the public because I'm hoping a weary and timid soul will get something out of this as I once did from someone else. Ultimately though, this is therapy and my diary all rolled into one. This isn't for your entertainment or for you to judge. I love the vast and silent black hole that is the internet. It is my deepest wish to see this blog fade into obscurity, away from everyone and all those cruel electronic eyes, so that voicing my thoughts will become as natural and simple as speaking from atop a lonely mountain peak.
So goodbye...:)